Also See Twitter Account

The following are orginal rhymes by the author published on Twitter between 2020 and 2021.
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A new morning, time to rise and shine. Not just in the waking but all of the time. For you are just yourself in the making. The world's a stage, dreams are for the taking. So shine with all your glory, shine on, shine bright. And never give up on nothing. Not without a fight. -- 2/27/2021 --
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What is a world without giving? What is life if barely living? What is joy without a smile? What is peace if not for awhile? What is forgiveness if we hold a grudge? What is compromise if we dare not budge? What is love if others we reject? Who are we if it's kindness we neglect? -- 1/31/2021 --
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How do we heal when the world's falling apart? How to speak not to anger but right to the heart? The answer may surprise, but I trust you'll listen. For unity is not a race for division. It can feel strange, but the feeling will pass. Make conversation first, save arguments last. -- 12/12/2020 --
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Let's take a moment to stop and smile. Yes, there's stuff going on, it's been on for awhile. But every now and again a moment is needed. To uplift our spirits, so we feel less defeated. Do whatever it is that makes you glad. And share it with others so things don't seem so bad. -- 12/15/2020 --
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I've been taking the month to stop and reflect. On things of present, no doubt, you'll bet. And wondering what do in the event of calamity. What course to take to maintain some sanity. While my feelings are real, my concerns sincere. Is it really best to express all of them here? -- 7/23/2021 --
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So many things take up space and such. Not the space in our closets, but in our minds too much. Worries and anxieties lead us astray. But must they? For the rest of our day? I know it's easier said than done, it's true. But if you can, share some time for the happy thoughts too. -- 6/28/2021 --
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Night outside, where do we begin? Another all-nighter or just turning in? In some respects our nights are like our days. We can use our time wisely or just waste it away. It may be good to work, if that's what's required. But if you can, do not neglect sleep if feeling dog-tired. -- 6/18/2021 --
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It's been awhile since I've stopped by with some prose. When will I post? Nobody knows. But the thing is, like in our lives. In the chaos, confusion, randomness presides. So sometimes I'm here, but often somewhere else. For a good break from social media is good for one's health. -- 6/2/2021 --
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Tragedy befalls us and reality grips us fast. A scene we may recall, flags at half-mast. But what of lives lost, those who died? What about this cost and the loved ones who cried. It's a tragic cycle, one we must break. But nothing will happen unless action we take. -- 5/27/2021 --
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I try and stay positive as best I can. Especially, here in Twitter land. It's easy to find a cause for anger. But direct confrontation often motivates attacks from a stranger. Respond to attacks and you'll only do them a favor. So don't engage spite, save that energy for greater. -- 5/3/2021 --
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The day is quiet, maybe not for long. I'm not a pessimist, please don't get me wrong. A lot has happened, we're always expecting. A thing needing of correcting. But life is not about the things that always put us down. And it's nice sometimes to have your feet back on the ground. -- 4/27/2021 --
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When the sun shines in the sky it isn't meant for one. Light is here for all us when all is said and done. But some think all belongs to them. Light is just a metaphor for everything that's ever been. So if you'll please give due. Freedoms, like light, aren't made just for you. -- 4/27/2021 --
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It is always good to run into a familiar face. Online too, for it can be a lonely place. One vast sea full of distraction. Often with too much conflict, not enough real interaction. So when you leave a comment make it worthwhile. Don't aim to anger but shoot for a smile! -- 4/25/2021 --
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There's only one earth, the place we call home. The one and only with all we've ever known. So why not take a break to stop and consider. How to tend to this world and on promises deliver. Find time to appreciate all this land, sea and air. Make an effort and show that you care. -- 4/22/2021 --
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We rejoice for justice long overdue. Yes, it's a great victory. Indeed is true. But there's work not done, wrongs to be righted. Do celebrate, but don't get too excited. For however far we have come, the walk is still longer. But in togetherness may we grow all the more stronger. -- 4/20/2021 --
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I don't know what to say anymore. But my condolences to families, friends to be sure. It's like it happens every other night. Another bullet, another life. Follow by discourse, and the indifference to right. But whatever may befall. Just know an injury to one is an injury to all. -- 4/17/2021 --
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Somethings we need, somethings we don't. We have something to do but sometimes we won't. But out of all the somethings we neglect. The something that hurts most keeps them all in check. Those somethings are feelings, but it would appear. When we keep them hidden nothing is clear. -- 4/13/2021 --
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Take a look deep within. And see where it all begins. For most things are no matter of circumstance. Nor fate, nor luck, nor random chance. Your success begins with you. The choices you make, what you set out to do. So don't just sit and wait. Get a move on before it's too late. -- 4/9/2021 --
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Another week, another year. A different time, thank God we're here. It's been tough, no room for conjecture. But here and now is only part of the picture. We don't know what tomorrow brings. Nor what song we might sing. But hope for all the best. And soon we shall beat this test. -- 4/6/2021 --
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Life ain't so bad all things considered. As long as our hopes haven't dried up and withered. It'll all make sense if steadily we jog. Towards some destination, not lost in a fog. For life has many roads, if only we knew. Nobody gets anywhere unless they decide on the "where to." -- 4/5/2021 --
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Good evening all, I hope everyone's safe and sound. And not too far off loved ones surround. It's a special time, but let's not overlook. A pandemic we're in and still haven't shook. But all things considered and this aside. Wish you all the best on this day and in joy abide. -- 4/4/2021 --
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Sometimes our minds just draw a blank. When confronted with news and growing quite faint. It's an imperfect world with no perfect solution. We press for answers without resolution. So what's to do when explanations are hard to find? Provide the comfort you can to those in a bind. -- 3/31/2021
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Here is a lesson that is hard to learn. For some not so much while others feel torn. We cannot pretend to know the feelings we don't feel. Still, a feeling felt by someone else is no less as real. So do not doubt if others are in distress. Just keep quiet, listen, give it a rest. -- 3/26/2021 --
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It's painful to realize, but cannot be overstressed. The senseless of the action, the shape of this mess. Out of the carnage, we scarcely believe. What we're again seeing while families bereave. To be clear, we must all say. This is everyone's problem, it will not just go away. -- 3/23/2021 --
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In life, really, no efforts are in vain. Each hour is precious, no need to explain. But if I may say just a little bit more. We can live to the fullest or wonder what's all for. If we lie in wait and do nothing but lounge. It will all have been for nothing, no turning it around. -- 3/23/2021 --
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Long ago on this our old earth. It was the age of the king, lord, knight and serf. But here and now, we are all our own boss. But some feel they are over others and at a great cost. For we are all equals, everyone gets their say. To think otherwise is to have truly lost your way. -- 3/20/2021 --
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What's with the world today? Is exactly what happens when fires are taken out to play. A scourge from bitter words into actions most abhorrent. The bottling of hatreds come down like a torrent. A soul-crushing feeling, old fears remade. Hope together, love another, be not afraid. -- 3/19/2021 --
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Hey, relax, breathe, take a step back. To ponder, reflect on where you're at. Because before you find out where your headed. In this game, you must know where you head is. Because at some point you gotta realize. To get whatcha want, you need to open your eyes. -- 3/18/2021 --
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It's a little odd, perhaps simply ironic. The rug is pulled everytime we step right upon it. And as we try to regain our footin'. Back down we go (really, no foolin')! But no matter how many times we're knock off our feet. We bounce back, if we remember we just won't be beat. -- 3/13/2021 --
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Another thought, or word, or action. We do what we can and wait for a reaction. But sometimes on deaf ears our voice is always fallin'. While in a world we try to find our true callin'. And sometimes when the outlook ain't so good. We don't love ourselves for us like we should. -- 3/13/2021 --
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Whatever life brings, you'll do just fine. Difficulties happen, but things will fall in line. Maybe not right now and despite the haters. Every setback is just a stepping stone for later. So buckle down, give it your best shot. You'll come out in the end just give it all you got! -- 3/11/2021 --
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It can be hard to imagine, difficult to tell. When we focus on our mistakes and on flaws we dwell. What we often don't know or see with our eyes. Is something that comes as no surprise. Even if we doubt, it's nonetheless true. You are liked as you are and flaws don't define you. -- 3/9/2021 --
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Birds don't just sing everyday. Sometimes life doesn't go quite our way. But in those moments full of growing unease. Take a moment if you'll please. To hold tight to hope when strong winds are blowing. For hope is reason enough to not stop and keep going. -- 3/6/2021 --
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It's a beautiful day for living. A time to be open and forgiving. For all the joy in life depends. Whether we're shutting the world out or taking it in. And I don't know about you, but I'm gonna enjoy today and each tomorrow. By counting my blessings than drowning in my sorrows. -- 3/4/2021 --
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It isn't for any notion we just don't get. Nor for any reason our mind hasn't met. It simply is as far as one can tell. That our mind can slip on values we once so tightly held. A single moment to bring kindness into the frame. Is much easy done than to correct insult or blame. -- 3/2/2021 --
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It's good to be alive and breathe it all in. To earn friendship and bring feuds to an end. For fighting and grudges take a toll. Too much of a hassle and burry our soul. But kindness brings clarity to the heart. For it is better to be at peace with the world than be driven apart. -- 2/28/2021 --
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A new morning, time to rise and shine. Not just in the waking but all of the time. For you are just yourself in the making. The world's a stage, dreams are for the taking. So shine with all your glory, shine on, shine bright. And never give up on nothing. Not without a fight. -- 2/27/2021 --
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Words are a gift but in much haste. Backbiting is not but simply a waste. Some may reply, "So, basically, I've wasted all the time online I've spent?!" Not basically, no, more like a 100 percent. Slandering others throws them under a bus. Don't be that person, work to earn trust. -- 2/27/2021 --
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If waking up or getting to bed. Here's a thought to bounce in your head. Which is better, what makes more sense? To live and let live or stir discontent? Words are a powerful tool. Able to inspire or make a fool. So before mean words you express. Maybe don't and give it a rest. -- 2/27/2021 --
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f you'd please ponder if you might. To stop and reflect on how much you are liked. Not for what you have or what you can do. But for being none other than exactly who? Why, yourself, of course, and not some pretender. For you are liked just as you are, please always remember. -- 2/27/2021 --
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It sure would be great if more would make mention. And speak of their feelings to break the silent tension. Fear, sadness, confusion or rage. Go nowhere if shut off and locked in a cage. You're not alone, no need to just bare it. Help is there if we find the courage to share it. -- 2/27/2021 --
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So many have come, and so many have went. Trying to recall how each day they spent. Where did it get them? Not very far. Is this how things should be? Really, this hard? So look not to past wondering, "How?" Live for today, your hour is now. -- 2/26/2021 --
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With each every day, we should try to seek. To be a little more hopeful week after week. The reason for this might not be apparent. But it really works wonders, its benefits inherent. For the more hope we have the greater we strive. To live the life we wish and enjoy being alive. -- 2/23/2021 --
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It's good to be alive and to just be ourselves. From our fondest dreams to memories we delve. We grow to be kinder each passing week. But for all else, no change should we seek. We're all one human family, leaves of one tree. We already are who we are and are as we should be. -- 2/14/2021 --
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No matter your dream nor how long it takes. I just like you to know, "You'll do great!" For anything worth doing will take a minute. You've gotta keep on it hard, put your whole soul in it. The end is just in sight whether near or far. Remember friend — our dreams are who we are. -- 2/12/2021 --
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I'd like to thank you all for being your best. By just being yourselves and not one bit less. Even if you may stumble or fall fast. Do so being you and make every moment last. For I can think of no one better to take the lead. Than the person in the mirror helping you to succeed. -- 2/10/2021 --
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Can you recall way back when. Out on the town with your friends? Strolling without care. Going no matter where. Then COVID came and changed our lives. Not just in living but how to survive. Yet as we get use to what was once so hard. We must always remember to keep up our guard. -- 2/7/2021 --
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What would you say would be best? Watching TV or the clouds, what's your guess? Clouds do not offer much, one might suggest. But sometimes more is just more of a test. While media is fun, our brains need their rest. So unplug for awhile and make some time for less. -- 2/6/2021 --
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Perhaps, it is a good time for a reminder. That in all things should we work to grow kinder. Often unkind words are without a bit of proof. Even if thought to be true are still uncouth. So before lodging any hurtful claim. Maybe hold off until the other has a chance to explain. -- 2/5/2021 --
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Perhaps, it is a good time for a reminder. That in all things should we work to grow kinder. Often unkind words are without a bit of proof. Even if thought to be true are still uncouth. So before lodging any hurtful claim. Maybe hold off until the other has a chance to explain. -- 2/5/2021 --
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As long as we keep the faith and stand our ground. The hope we have lost will soon be found. Thru these efforts our feelings are uplifted. So we can help out those who have drifted. When we've all gain our footing, demons destroyed. We can drive the darkness back into the void. -- 2/3/2021 --
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Be kind to all so that society may grow. As a city upon a hill to all this will show. That like a lighthouse beaming over the sea. Draw all into the light for all to be. Like a big family but one that knows it. We only move forward together, time to wake up and smell the roses. -- 2/2/2021 --
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It's easier to forgive than forget. We've all been hurt before, taken a hit. Still, it is not good to argue and fight. But it is also not easy to keep our words nice. So if we find ourselves in this situation stuck. If nothing pleasant to offer than best to zip those lips shut. -- 2/1/2021 --
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What is a world without giving? What is life if barely living? What is joy without a smile? What is peace if not for awhile? What is forgiveness if we hold a grudge? What is compromise if we dare not budge? What is love if others we reject? Who are we if it's kindness we neglect? -- 1/31/2021 --
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Feelings are easier felt than expressed. At our core, we need give the hiding game a rest. For us to be strong in body, mind, heart and soul. Being true to ourselves is the top goal. It's okay to talk things out, don't delay it. If you're feeling some way go right out and say it. -- 1/30/2021 --
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We're all still learning, it's never too late. To keep the peace, wouldn't that be great? We all need to make an effort, each pull our weight. And try to get along at any rate. If not on thin ice we skate. But we all have the power to create. A kinder world, and we cannot wait. -- 1/29/2021 --
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Living is a joy until it's a pain. Despite this we should always refrain. From letting a little doubt cloud more than the time being. For life goes on and the rest'll be worth seeing. So no matter the hardship to be sure. Now only lasts for now and never a moment more. -- 1/28/2021 --
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It's that time to do it all over. From dawn to dusk, we keep safe, sane and sober. And when we're done, go to bed. Wake up, it's another day ahead! But no matter what we face in this monotony. We keep on movin' you see. Because ain't nothin' in this world gonna' be stoppin' we! -- 1/27/2021 --
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In this world, many will uncover. Great peoples and cultures to discover. But look not on others with animosity. Rather the cause of curiousity. We all have much to see and to learn. And to that end leave no stone unturned. For it's never too late. To make not the time for hate. -- 1/26/2021 --
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How should we use our energy if chance allows? What do we change about the world as we know it now? Not exactly sure but perhaps a hint. Bringing joy to others is always time well spent. So if nothing have you to do for awhile. Why not uplift others and soon will you also smile. -- 1/25/2021 --
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What better way to spend your week. With a little game of hide and seek? Now, don't be so quick to dismiss it. It's one kind you haven't played yet. For this game is to seek and find. Dreams left behind. So sit, reflect, take a few. To think how to make those dreams come true. -- 1/24/2021 --
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It's been a long road and longer yet. For as far as we've been told it's not sunset. But it's good to be optimistic, cautiously still. As for trouble, we've had our fill. Challenges still ahead, don't abandon your post. But the darkness is where a little light shines the most. -- 1/22/2021 --
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I've been having a lot of curious thoughts lately. The essence of which at times escapes me. But like every wave with its trough and crest. The ups may be going down, so that we may rest. If the fires recede, if life lightens the load. How do we ease off our flight-or-fight mode? -- 1/22/2021 --
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Let us honor those lost in these hard times. In memory venerated, in hearts enshrined. Less we forget after the danger is cleared. How they comforted us even in the hours we so feared. And together let's reflect in spirit true. For their light will always burn within me and you. -- 1/21/2021 --
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Let this day live on in heart and mind. That peace and unity together may bind. The soul of a people fractured by lies. Undue injustice wrought, strengthen our ties. May good prevail and this country never fall. One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. -- 1/20/2021 --
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Much of our lives lie outside our comprehension. And meanwhile our thoughts hang in suspension. Where do we go? What do we do? How do we know what we're getting ourselves into? When the way ahead from our sight disappears. Kindness always is the best direction from here to there. -- 1/20/2021 --
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Ever recall big dreams as you wander? The kind we grow ever so fonder? No matter which dreams time seems to condemn. Don't look back like you never meant any of them. Never give up the journey even if arduous. For our difficulties are the very thing that makes a dream part of us. -- 1/19/2021 --
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Let us never forget how much we are alike. That bias and fighting do not make right. That all of us are no better than the next. That nobody should tell others for them what is best. That all of us have a world to share. For we might as well get along or we'll be getting nowhere. -- 1/18/2021 --
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Everyday now we feel a little bit closer. To a steady exit from life's rollercoaster. And while nothing in this life is guaranteed. We hope for hope's sake we will succeed. Because in the end, it is good that will prevail. And to a kinder future we set sail. -- 1/18/2021 --
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Always, I wish I knew the right things to relay. Get you on thru the moment to the rest of your day. But I'm just a tiny voice, hardly a boss. Barely audible to a mind knee-deep in chaos. Teach you I can't but with a nudge or a wink. Do my best to give you something new to think. -- 1/17/2021 --
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Kindness and empathy go the extra mile. To make the world shine brighter for just awhile. A minute of hope is worth more than of despair. There is no chance too small, no matter where. If nothing else please, if you might. Make another feel better that things will be all right. -- 1/16/2021 --
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To get back on track in the right direction. At times, it is helpful to pause for reflection. To see where we've been, figure out where we're going. Not just saying in words but in actions showing. In order to learn from any mistake. We need if only for a moment to take a break. -- 1/15/2021 --
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Our feelings are no reason for shame. Readily apparent, difficult to tame. This we know, can't push them to the side. Oh, why do we try to conceal what we cannot hide? If we just ignore them, they can do some real damage. For feelings must be mentioned before they can be managed. -- 1/14/2021 --
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I like to take a moment to thank each one of you. For being yourselves, not somebody new. It's very true, it's not good to be fake. For the you we like best is not a you you must make. But no real you need be embellished. If fake you knew real you, well, that you'd be jealous. -- 1/13/2021 --
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Where do we go from now? When so many do what we cannot allow? Do we condemn it, condone it or disavow? Onward do we march or throw in the towel? I am only human and can provide no reassurance. But know, at least, it's best to steer clear of rapids than get sucked in the current. -- 1/12/2021 --
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2021 has begun with much conviction. Here one finds no shortage of predictions. While recent events may fill us with fear. They do not determine the status quo for a year. For storms are to be braved, mountains we surmount. Hope is ours and precious, now make every second count. -- 1/11/2021 --
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How long since we stopped to focus on we? A little self-care, tend to our needs. Truth be told, I can scarely remember. With all that's been going on (and just since December!) So, today, if it's not too much trouble to ask. Take leave of distractions and in the silence bask. -- 1/11/2021 --
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Healing is a topic much discussed. But less apt are we to do so than make fuss. Surely we're perturbed, prone to anger. But isn't it more productive to heal than pick fights with a stranger? Let justice hold others accountable. But best take a breather now while still manageable. -- 1/10/2021 --
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We're in a rough squeeze, a bit tight. Wishing for a chance to ease up, a chance to make right. But out all things to look forward to. Those things which in ways are few. The things which only each single you is able. For all on earth have something unique to bring to the table. -- 1/9/2021 --
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For the love of good, the sake of sanity. Treat others kindly to better humanity. These past days, I've went thru more feelings than my whole life. But no good is it to drink from a cup that emboldens strife. I'm not perfect, I'm as I come. But hope to be better when all is done. -- 1/8/2021 --
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The sky's a bit clearer from all the rain. But many still appear to be in some pain. Time heals all wounds, sometimes early or late. But never too soon for each heals at one's own rate. All are on their own time and feel as they may. It's fine to deal with things in your own way. -- 1/8/2021 --
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Unity is the need of our age. But it will not come without a grip on our rage. Right now, who lit the fire matters not. We can watch it burn or work to make it stop. The choice is yours but a no brainier. For we can either join to fight the flames or explain our failure later. -- 1/8/2021 --
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Today is not yesterday and never you forget it. A new chance to start fresh not to regret it. Each day is whatever you make it. No matter the trouble you can shake it. Because nothing will stop you from seizing your moment. Do what you must and in all things make sure you own it. -- 1/7/2021 --
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The year began strong, and this is what we got? Wished for a break, now we're running hot. But this need not be a precursor. That 2021 will only grow worser. Nor a repeat of 2020. For on the road of life setbacks are plenty. In this we must hope. We shall overcome, we will cope. -- 1/7/2021 --
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Dear friends and true patriots of peace. We are at a crossroads to say the least. An insurrection of a traitorous POTUS. But engage not the mob, provide each other solace. While the riffraff stands by huffing and puffing. Stir not their anger for without which they are nothing. -- 1/6/2021 --
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Hello again, fancy meeting you. But glad you are here for a meeting past due. There is somebody, I'd like you to greet. One most likable and kind, capable and sweet. Actions not words, will get you there, see? For that somebody is none other than the you you always wanted to be. -- 1/6/2021 --
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Butterflies in the gut as anticipation looms. What comes next may be a win or feel a bit like doom. But whatever it is the future may hold. Stay strong, our cards we will not fold. Win or lose, it matters neither way. For what is a few pesky imps after the dragon has been slayed? -- 1/5/2021 --
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We're each a ship, horizon in our scope. But can't see past it. So we hope. That when we cross the vanishing point sailing is smooth. From storms we go to waters that calm and sooth. But we'll never know for sure until we pass by. So onward we must go for whatever in oceans lie. -- 1/5/2021 --
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On a night like this, we lie and ponder. "What life is this?" so our mind wanders. But why we may feel this is all there is, it isn't. For the whole picture is not just all at present. We only see what has passed not around the bend. Be patient yet, it will make sense in the end. -- 1/4/2021 --
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By Joy we decree. With Light we will see. Hope we'll understand and in Faith we'll take hand. Love before words and all Forgiven move forward. -- 1/4/2021 --
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We're in this for the long run as we hold steady. To the reins of our destiny while standing ready. For in this quandary, the world is vexed. A little aloof and rather preplexed. If there be trouble ahead, we'll take cover. But let not uncertainty keep us from all we'll discover. -- 1/3/2021 --
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Each of us is one our own. Unlike no other but never alone. A matter of principle, of morality. That we find unity in our individuality. I am not you, you are not me. But never should it otherwise be. We must all be liked just as we come. Let's welcome all others, excluded—none. -- 1/3/2021 --
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We could all use a little more peace. A breaking of tensions, a sweet release. While a lot depends on what others do and say. Let's not forget our role we have to play. It'd be great if challenges were far and few. But y'know? The biggest differences in your life are made by you. -- 1/2/2021 --
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Over the horizon, the sun will rise. Bringing forth its glow, enriching our lives. And if we look hard, we'd find likewise. Our own light from within through the right eyes. For within us all, we hold the power. To bring light to the moment at the right hour. -- 1/1/2021 --
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Here's a resolution for you, and I hope you will cheer. To end 2020, off to a new year. And the best part it's done, no real shock. For the hand has already hit 12 on the big clock. And now bye-bye 2020, duces, good riddens, adieu. And a very Happy New Year from me to all of you! -- 1/1/2021 --
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Here we go, same old stuff again. Fine time we rewind and then. Reflect on us and demonstrate. Not how to criticize but appreciate. On everything what we've become. Look at the ups but still work to be done. Make a promise to take things slow. Find time to love and time to grow. -- 12/31/2020 --
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Whether we are tired or feeling fine. We're not always at the peak of our prime. Not just physically but one can tell. When we're down in a slump, feeling unwell. But it's okay to acknowledge it than try to hide. Our feelings are worth our mention and bad spells will subside. -- 12/31/2021 --
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Just to note or make you wonder. When the world comes down pouring with a frightful thunder. It may be hard but you gotta look forward. For the more you worry, the more you're pulled towards. Sinking deeper, a dreaded fate. Closer and closer to the storm you are trying to escape. -- 12/31/2021 --
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At long last, the year is to conclude. And now in this brief interlude. A time to decide what we will choose. To figure out how we begin anew. How it will go all depends. On what differences we act to suspend. For the good of all not "us or them." -- 12/31/2020 --
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A New Year most fitting after a long year. Where we are headed is not entirely clear. But where we have been is all too apperant. A year of chaos with confusion inherent. But no matter where we go from this point of fear. It's sure good to know, we'll no longer be here. -- 12/31/2020 --
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It's a time for me and for you. A moment for us to show what we can do. For him to be him, her to be her. For them to be them and still a bit more. A light to share, a hand to hold. A nice break from the chains of old. All there is, let us be us. Ain't no big thing, make no fuss. -- 12/30/2020 --
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2020 has kept us all on our toes. 2021 may be different but not unless we make it so. Think of this year and everything wrong that abounds. Now imagine 2021, how do we turn it all around? Let's get moving, step up, on the double. For change does not just happen on a higher level. -- 12/30/2020 --
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Welcome to existence, glad you've stopped by. For the duration of life, a cosmic blink of the eye. While you're here, know you are liked. Thanked for being you and that all will be alright. In the end, no hard patch need explaining. For one dot matters not but the whole painting. -- 12/29/2020 --
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A new day, another tomorrow. On hope we get by, beg or borrow. 2020's been long to be sure. But what about this 2021-shaped door? Ideas abstract, others concrete. What is it? Your particular belief? Hope for the best prepare for the worse? All in good time, just stay the course. -- 12/29/2020 --
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We are all in need of a good diversion. Even if a mental excursion. Much on media do we stock. But maybe better to turn back the clock. A book by candlelight to feel serene. Or really anything of old days I mean. What fun may be in store. To do the thing you've never done before. -- 12/28/2020 --
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What the world needs is not of our choosing. It's taken a beating, a real brusing. We must accept its terms without condition. For what world would it be to ask us for permission? The need is peace, wait no longer. For to meet anger with anger, makes the opposition grow stronger. -- 12/27/2020 --
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It happens that folks always perceive. Everything is fine if we don't wear our heart on our sleeve. The problem this causes, the real thing here. If in trouble, we get no help, I do fear. For who can help us unless we speak up? So give voice to your heart or you'll soon be stuck. -- 12/27/2020 --
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Thru the blinds night gives way to dawn. Light shining in, time to put the kettle on. A new day and a chance to start fresh. A morning to reboot or get some things off our chest. But each day gets better, okay? For each yesterday is a lesson learned towards a brighter today. -- 12/26/2020 --
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A little quiet or a lot would be a delight. For when was our last truly silent night? Or even just an hour without staring into a digital sheen? Few and far between, I bet, for many, I mean. A moment to reflect to unwind our brains. Thoughts on our existence to lighten its bane. -- 12/26/2020 --
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Sometimes our days feel more like a show. Like really? Is this life as we know? Why the prior be nice the latter we must accept. A point of fact to our regret. We've been pushing hard, now harder still? Yes. We're not over the hill. For it's not a measurement of time but of will. -- 12/25/2020 --
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To each and all on this festive ocassion. There is much which figures into the equation. And while our math may be off this year. The holidays still equal joy that I am sincere. For we need not subtract all we must bear. Love over all else still can be raised to the power of care. -- 12/25/2020 --
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This time in December we might not be so jolly. A little worse for the wear or melancholy. But it is to be expected given all that has occurred. Unless living under a rock and haven't yet heard. But you gotta admit how strong we are. To have gone thru so much to make it this far. -- 12/25/2020 --
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What is the purpose of today? Is it all about a birth or a path that was laid? Scripture read is not the same as understood. Leading to more confusion than it should. For "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar." It's a time for love not to fan fires. -- 12/25/2020 --
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Here is a day in memory. To a messenger of harmony. Whose word was to love others. To look on all as sisters and brothers. But many have turned their backs on his beliefs. Just to appease a thief. Who at night stole their souls and in return. Brought them to ridicule and scorn. -- 12/25/2020 --
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Let's accept our past and pray for what's to come. We should love each other at last and agree, well, hating is dumb. That the presence of another group does not equal a challenge to one's own. And celebrate today by making its actual meaning of love really hit home. -- 12/25/2020 --
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For those in the dread of winter. Dreams broken into splinters. Empty stomachs, deaths leaders ignore. What is being rich in heart if we're feeling so poor? Well, the more rich a heart the less chances it will stop. See, our heart, it is an engine. Determines who outlasts or not. -- 12/25/2020 --
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Let the world see me for me and you for you. Us for us, tried and true. Know you are liked, and I hope you can tell. There's no other you who does it so well. Take a minute of quiet to reflect in this fact. For nobody can beat you at being you and that is that. -- 12/24/2020 --
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How do we grow to care? Well it's not always what we do but the feelings we share. Our treatment of all else on value is based. For whatever we value we look after, if not misplace. Inflation from a heart of gold to one of stone. Begins by valuing another less than one's phone. -- 12/24/2020 --
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We hope we'll be liked, not misunderstood. In all endeavors be gracious and good. That we may cause no pain or other misfortune. Be ourselves with pride in healthy-sized portions. In feelings we strive to express less discretely. To live and let live and accept others completely. -- 12/24/2020 --
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None of our flaws may seem very quaint. But they are who we are and not who we ain't. Now object not to my grammar as an aside. I know it wasn't correct, but the point is not always am I! And not always are you in every respect. So let's just shoot for the best versions yet. -- 12/23/2020 --
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In our mentions, in our dealings. Shoutouts are few to those things called feelings. With us our whole life but still a mystery. No less a piece of who we are, part of our history. Try as you might, none have out ran them. But learn to manage, and they will be your companion. -- 12/23/2020 --
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I've said it before, can't say it enough. It is best to be ourselves even when roads get rough. You are you, and that's best of all. Your wonderful self, even if you should fall. Just get back on your horse and onward you ride. For even life has its bumps, just take it in stride. -- 12/22/2020 --
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Life is a challenge but never give up the ship. Even when you work harder and still bupkis. Just keep on striving even if you get stuck. For the more you try the better your luck. It may be tough, you may think you'll loose. But just kept it up, we have only to ourselves to prove. -- 12/22/2020 --
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Nights grow longer, the days get colder. Not by the winter but the worry we shoulder. A yuletide season not yet foretold. In shades of gray not silver or gold. But we will bear it through, and goodwill we will bolster. And in our separation be moved a little more closer. -- 12/22/2020 --
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Before joining a group feeling most eager. Be wary of that game—follow the leader. We often look to those who claim to know better. But may really know no more than we or naught altogether. We must always be considerate and kind. And our leaders no less, if they be of sound mind. -- 12/22/2020 --
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Some may think it their right to disagree. With all that makes you you and me me. But being true, heart and mind, builds self-cohesion. After all, a second opinion is second for a reason. So let no one get you down, you are a star! Just as long as you like you and are as you are. -- 12/22/2020 --
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What does it mean to be your own you? To act and to feel the way you want to? Seems simple, but we're often confused. As if walking in a stranger's shoes. This can lead to an unseen bruise. While it may seem easier to do. It's the path all your own that's the best path to choose. -- 12/21/2020 --
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Anger can get the better of us in a world so bleak. Often we're drawn to it more times than we seek. Now anger will happen just be on the alert. For while anger is natural it also can hurt. So if you find yourself going to red from pink. Stop to breathe and before you speak think. -- 12/21/2020 --
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We all have our edges, you know? Rough bits of interior beneath our soft glow. Mostly in check, but it is not apt to hide. When we encounter that which we cannot abide. Now, don't suppress feelings with a mental hammer. You'll control them, in time, in a calm and healthy manner. -- 12/21/2020 --
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This world is as much for you as for me. And all else who do live and breathe. All people have the right to dream and be free. And none should dictate how another should be. For if the ways of one don't harm another. Let's not seek to control but embrace each other. -- 12/20/2020 --
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You may know all too well but just in case. Be ever cautious in virtual space. All around fights in our ears they ring. While negativity seems to be in full swing. While tempting it may be to go on the attack. You'll just be yelling at a virtual wall, albeit, one that yells back. -- 12/20/2020 --
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Clock is ticking, got the time? To leave some feuds behind? Yes, the world's cold, out of touch. Or do you think I protest too much? But if you see, as I perceive. A culture of strife sowing seeds. It's as much as we can take. So forgive others, don't put them over coals to rake. -- 12/20/2020 --
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It plays in our minds like a broken record. The scenes of news past, a list most checkered. On screens all over, we try to look elsewhere. For just a little peace, a moment of self-care. Now keeping informed benefits oneself. But too much news media is bad news for mental health. -- 12/20/2020 --
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What is it that you do that is truly you? Do you paint or write or admire a view? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's great! It's good when you can do you or find time to create. But if you're not being you, know it's okay. It's alright to admit it, and you'll find yourself someday. -- 12/19/2020 --
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Take a walk with me, would you please? In your mind, in a forest free. A mental exercise, a short reprieve. Imagine now woods full of leaves. And think of a box by an old oak tree. In that box a note you see. On it a message reads. "You need only be you, the best you you can be." -- 12/19/2020 --
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COVID means fear and even greater loss. But thru it all and what it has cost. We strive to be better, even if leaders prove false. We will persevere, a river we must cross. And try to swim and not be tossed. Thru a hard winter, a biting frost. Stand together, for all is not lost. -- 12/18/2020 --
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We take each day at one or two paces. Vaccinations are here, we're off to the races! The stimulus we wanted? Oh, we're incandescent. For it's less of a stimulus, more of an antidepressant. The social situation? Still rough weather. But here's to unity and makin' things better. -- 12/18/2020 --
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Let us be good to each other and together as one. A force to be reckoned, not to be shunned. Let's reached out to another with a helping hand. Tonight let's not fight but take a stand. For every thought of war will not cease. Until we meet it with a greater thought of peace. -- 12/18/2020 --
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It is late at night, as I sit in my chair. Wishing for some of that cool midnight air. But I'm working from home, that's just how it is. On nightshift, really? Yup, what I said. But it ain't so bad (said with some levity). Time between task is how I find time for my creativity. -- 12/18/2020 --
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The world is vexed not yet lost. Let it be said before happier thoughts. For it's good to reflect not forget. On matters that matter most, I'll admit. But here is a notion. To break us from our media devotions. A thought not to be excluded: nothing last forever—troubles included. -- 12/17/2020 --
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How do you like to start your morning? Is it with something exciting or stinky boring? Is it always the same or do you change it a lot? Do you sneak in a few treats without getting caught? No matter, whatever, the start, I mean. Never forget today's a new day. The future? Unseen. -- 12/17/2020 --
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All cooped up on the verge of a scream. It's the holidays under quarantine! We look back on the old days. When wandering about was here to stay. But overall one thing is clear. The facts on how we all got here. So complaints aside, while ample, stay at home—let's lead by example! -- 12/17/2020 --
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In COVID times, we've grown restless. At times okay but by no means less stressed. In our hour of confusion our salvation depends. On our interactions with others, the one we call friends. So if you're lonely, don't be a recluse. Write to one another, get off your caboose! -- 12/15/2020 --
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Hello morning, welcome sun! Farewell yesterday that day is done. Another chance to live anew. Or another second to sing the blues. No matter what each day has in store. Treasure every moment, like there won't be more. -- 12/16/2020 --
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So here's a thought, I hope you'll consider. When you're feeling not right and gut is all bitter. We often are too proud to admit how we feel. As if somehow that makes the feelings less real. Rough patches are nothing to be quiet about. For help is as simple as just reaching out. -- 12/16/2020 --
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Let's take a moment to stop and smile. Yes, there's stuff going on, it's been on for awhile. But every now and again a moment is needed. To uplift our spirits, so we feel less defeated. Do whatever it is that makes you glad. And share it with others so things don't seem so bad. -- 12/15/2020 --
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You've heard it before, I'll say it again. As long as I am with you my friends. Times are hard, days are rough. We try to act strong, is it enough? Shaken to our very core. A sinking, a sorrow right down to the floor. Still, we're gonna last. We shall overcome, this will yet pass. -- 12/15/2020 --
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The world keeps spinning or so it goes. How fast is it going? It never slows! Each new 'thing' keeps us on our toes. Can't we go a week without a new threat being posed? Still, time heals all woes. So as the year sets, draws to a close. We're in this together, that's good to know. -- 12/15/2020 --
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t's sure a thing to see. Wherever we look, there's an enemy. But if we feel this way, it's not okay, a price we pay. For we gotta believe, take the trust in I, put it back in we. Gain equanimity to find some solidarity. Take a world that bleeds and make at last the place to be. -- 12/15/2020 --
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This year's been hard, and we try not to stress. But, at times, it's like under a mountain we're pressed. We try to bear it, at best, we trust. That relief will be here before the whole world rusts. And it must, thru some unknown feat. For to give up on hope is to concede defeat. -- 12/14/2020 --
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Family is family without exception. With every old flaw and each new correction. You're just stuck, at times perturbed. Mostly they're helpful or step on the nerves. But if you feel like cringing be mindful of tact. For once words leave your mouth, there's no taking them back. -- 12/14/2020 --
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The internet is fun, we can all agree. But occasionally it's good to take our leave. For not too far apart from this virtual space. Lies the inspiration on which its contents are based. A novel thing with no place to hide. So open your doors, your hearts to this thing—the outside. -- 12/14/2020 --
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It's in our mind's eye but not far from the heart. A desire for change, for a new start. A new way of giving, a new means for rhyming. A new place for seeing, a new job for climbing. New brings us comforts or so we are told. But cannot be treasured without thoughts of the old. -- 12/14/2020 --
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From land to land, coast to coast. We strive to find meaning, do what matters most. Yet often we find ourselves confused. What will help most, what should we choose? Truth is that it matters not the gesture, big or small. Just stick with what you know to answer that call. -- 12/13/2020 --
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Manners are great or so one says. Now if only online we'd get it into our heads. We think ourselves kind, we mean no disrespect. But when we leave comments we're prone to forget. So be nicer in the notes you do leave. For if your kind off but not online it's yourself you deceive. -- 12/13/2020 --
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Months can be easy or deal a heavy hand. Often we feel in a sea adrift, not a place to land. We row on but are cast out too far. Frantically searching for shores or a sand bar. The ocean of life immense, hopeless it can seem. But the sea only takes those who give up their dreams. -- 12/13/2020 --
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It's the same lesson time after time. For every good reason, that same old rhyme. A matter so simple, no reason to frown. So why not stop tearing each other down? Every one on earth has to learn to live with all else. And the rights of all others must come before the ego of self. -- 12/13/2020 --
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How do we heal when the world's falling apart? How to speak not to anger but right to the heart? The answer may surprise, but I trust you'll listen. For unity is not a race for division. It can feel strange, but the feeling will pass. Make conversation first, save arguments last. -- 12/12/2020 --
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Times are changing, it does not matter how. There's no advance notice, the hour is now. Changes can make life easy or make us proud. Still dark shadows are many, our thoughts they cloud. But to keep on, we can't get in a bunch. For the end will be great once past the speed bumps. -- 12/12/2020 --
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It is good to chat and make new friends. When using new digital trends. But keep in mind, and I think you'll agree. Not every thought you have is one you should leave. It might be tempting to let your mind flow. But a quick online encounter is not the same as somebody you know. -- 12/12/2020 --
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Each day, rain or shine. We count the weeks, check the time. We recall the work we've done. Like, "My days are numbered, my accomplishments? None." We speak the truth—barely. For our lives are full, success it varies. Life isn't a midnight dreary. Negativity, now that is scary. -- 12/12/2020 --
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Ever see one tell another what they can and can't do? Do you ever stop to wonder why they should get to? Truth is they have not the right. For it is not up to another to order as they like. We only take charge of our own affairs. After all we are human not the somebody upstairs. -- 12/11/2020 --
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Flood waters risin' while we seek higher ground. A sea of turmoil, the somber sound. Around we spin, in our words we drown. Negativity mounds and everyone goes to town. We are lost not yet found. But the old fool is without his crown. So breathe a second, we're forward bound. -- 12/10/2020 --
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Here today, gone tomorrow. Joy or anger or fear or sorrow. Strange times bring turbulence. Not just today but ever since. But remember feelings are fleeting. Our heart is beating, not always repeating. A new day, each new meeting. Things can change, just keep on believing. -- 12/10/2020 --
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Some days are just darker than our nights. Not sure to fight or just take flight. Point is this year bites. Full of strife and fright while we hold for dear life. On the horizon, a new year, new heights that might take wrong and make right. So patience people, light is in sight. -- 12/10/2020 --
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Strange to say but not unexpected. We often find ourselves being chastised, outed or corrected. And in reply, we're tempted to let tongues slip. Like, "Is that so? Well, I don't give a 'flip'!" But before we reply with such derision. Maybe steer clear of the inevitable collision. -- 12/9/2020 --
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Life is full of surprises, don't you bet? Days to be hopeful or some of regret. But through it all we'll see it to the end. Whether going it alone or along with a friend. The mountains of life are ours to climb. So whatever it is, you'll pull through, just a matter of time. -- 12/9/2020 --
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